cocos2d 简单消除游戏算法 (一)

1. 游戏视频演示






3.1 生成随机地图算法


2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 3, 2
1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3
1, 2, 3, 2, 2, X
enum MatchItemType{
   kRedItem = 0,         //0
   kGreenItem,           //1
   kBlueItem,            //2
   kWhiteItem,           //3

MatchItemType getOneRandomTypeExceptParameter(const MatchItemType& type){
    MatchItemType allType[5] = {kRedItem, kGreenItem, kBlueItem, kWhiteItem, kOrangeItem};
    std::vector restType;
    for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i){
        if(allType[i] != type){
    int restSize = restType.size();
    int randomIndex = rand() % restSize;

    return restType[randomIndex];

Array2D<MatchItemType> getOneRandomMapArray(){
    Array2D<MatchItemType> map = Array2D<MatchItemType>(7, 7);
    bool findThreeSameInX = false;
    bool findThreeSameInY = false;

    for(int y = 0; y < 7; ++y){
        for(int x = 0; x < 7; ++x){
             MatchItemType randomType = (MatchItemType)(rand() % 5);

            if(x >= 2){
	        if( map.Get(x - 1, y) == map.Get(x - 2, y)){
                    //need find a new type
                    findThreeSameInX = true;
                    findThreeSameInX = false;
                findThreeSameInX = false;
            if(y >= 2){
                if(map.Get(x, y - 1) == map.Get(x, y -2)){
                    //need find a new type;
                    findThreeSameInY = true;
                    findThreeSameInY = false;
                findThreeSameInY = false;
            if(findThreeSameInX == false && findThreeSameInY == false){
               //do nothing
            }else if(findThreeSameInX == true && findThreeSameInY == false){
                randomType = getOneRandomTypeExceptParameter(map.Get(x - 1, y));
            }else if(findThreeSameInX == false && findThreeSameInY == true){
                randomType = getOneRandomTypeExceptParameter(map.Get(x, y - 1));
                randomType = getOneRandomTypeExceptParameter(map.Get(x - 1, y),
                                                             map.Get(x, y - 1));

            map.Set(x, y, randomType);

    return map;

3.2 判断地图是否是死地图

//case 1

//case 2

这里用注释画了简单的两种情况,注意x的位置。case1 是横着有两个同色的情况,移动一步能消除只有6种可能,左边3种,右边3种。下面是竖着有两个同色的情况,移动一步能消除也是6种情况。上面3种,下面3种。知道了这个,代码就容易了。记得找到一个就直接return。

vector<MatchItem*> getThreeMatchItemCanRemoveByOneStep(const Array2D<MatchItem*> & map){
    vector<MatchItem*> result;

    int maxX = 7;
    int maxY = 7;

    for(int y = 0; y < maxY; ++y){
        for(int x = 0; x < maxX; ++x){
            if(x + 1 < maxX){
                //case 1
                if(map.Get(x, y)->getType() == map.Get(x + 1, y)->getType()){
                    MatchItemType currentType = map.Get(x, y)->getType();
                    //check 6 item, one move one step can combine three same item
                    if(x - 2 >= 0){
                        if(map.Get(x - 2, y)->getType() == currentType){
                            //find one
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x + 1, y));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x - 2, y));
                            return result;
                    if(x - 1 >= 0 && y - 1 >= 0){
                        if(map.Get(x - 1, y - 1)->getType() == currentType){
                            //find one
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x + 1, y));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x - 1, y - 1));
                            return result;
                    if(x + 2 < maxX && y - 1 >= 0){
                        if(map.Get(x + 2, y - 1)->getType() == currentType){
                            //find one
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x + 1, y));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x + 2, y - 1));
                            return result;
                    if(x + 3 < maxX){
                        if(map.Get(x + 3, y)->getType() == currentType){
                            //find one
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x + 1, y));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x + 3, y));
                            return result;
                    if(x + 2 < maxX && y + 1 < maxY){
                        if(map.Get(x + 2, y + 1)->getType() == currentType){
                            //find one
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x + 1, y));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x + 2, y + 1));
                            return result;
                    if(x - 1 >= 0 && y + 1 < maxY){
                        if(map.Get(x - 1, y + 1)->getType() == currentType){
                            //find one
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x + 1, y));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x - 1, y + 1));
                            return result;

            if(y + 1 < maxY){
                MatchItemType currentType = map.Get(x, y)->getType();
                //case 2
                if(map.Get(x, y)->getType() == map.Get(x, y + 1)->getType()){
                    if(y - 2 >= 0){
                        if(map.Get(x, y - 2)->getType() == currentType){
                            //find one
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y + 1));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y - 2));
                            return result;
                    if(x + 1 < maxX && y - 1 >= 0){
                        if(map.Get(x + 1, y - 1)->getType() == currentType){
                            //find one
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y + 1));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x + 1, y - 1));
                            return result;
                    if(x + 1 < maxX && y + 2 < maxY){
                        if(map.Get(x + 1, y + 2)->getType() == currentType){
                            //find one
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y + 1));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x + 1, y + 2));
                            return result;
                    if(y + 3 < GameGlobal::xMapCount){
                        if(map.Get(x, y + 3)->getType() == currentType){
                            //find one
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y + 1));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y + 3));
                            return result;
                    if(x - 1 >= 0 && y + 2 < maxY){
                        if(map.Get(x - 1, y + 2)->getType() == currentType){
                            //find one
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y + 1));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x - 1, y + 2));
                            return result;
                    if(x - 1 >= 0 && y - 1 >= 0){
                        if(map.Get(x - 1, y + 1)->getType() == currentType){
                            //find one
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x, y + 1));
                            result.push_back(map.Get(x - 1, y - 1));
                            return result;




    return result;



算法先到这里… 后续有时间再更新…


第一个是IPhone 下载地址,第二个是android的。点击跳转链接,或者扫描二维码。


3 Responses to cocos2d 简单消除游戏算法 (一)

  1. lcl时空说道:

    楼主有空写写 这个的关卡地图怎么配置过程吗?—简单一点地图只是加几个障碍物话,貌似不用特殊的地图编辑器也行谢谢~

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